Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Rose from Reflection Teen Edition

Rose from Reflection Teen Edition is my second book to date which reflects on the choices our youth make and how it can come with rewards or consequences. In the beginning of the book I reflected on some of the choices I made coming up and the turning point in my life that drew me to Christ as I got older. Each Chapter was designed to encourage our youth they are created for purpose and the necessity of having a personal relationship with Jesus. Some chapters target on choosing friends wisely as well as the importance of saving sex for marriage. At the end of Rose from Reflection Teen Edition there is Raising Awareness against bullying and stopping the violence. Rose from Reflection Teen Edition is dedicated to the teens who have lost their life to gun violence. My prayers and thoughts are with the families who have experience such a loss. Rose from Reflection Teen Edition is available now on Amazon the Kindle edition the hard copy will be available soon. XulonPress has the hard copy available now. May God bless you.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Don't allow the spirit of deception determine your final destination

Choose this day whom you will serve

We are living in a day & time where many don't believe in God or they feel the bible is a myth. Or they believe in God but not in his Word. How can one believe in God but not his word when God himself is the Word. How can one believe in some of the Word but not all of the Word. Do one take the scriptures that relates to them and make them feel good about themselves and the scriptures that convicts them they reject. At the end of this life we will all have to give an account whether you believe in God or not whether you believe in the Holy Bible or not every knee will bow and every tongue will confess to God

John 1:1
Romans 14:11